خرید و دانلود تحقیق شبکه کامپیوتری به انگلیسی

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  • فعال‌سازی آنی لینک دانلود، پس از ثبت سفارش
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خرید و دانلود تحقیق شبکه کامپیوتری به انگلیسی

خرید و دانلود تحقیق شبکه کامپیوتری به انگلیسی

شبکه کامپیوتری : مقدمه

A computer network, often simply referred to as a network,

is a collection of computers and devices interconnected

by communications channels that facilitate communications and allows sharing of resources and information among interconnected devices.1 Put more simply, a computer network is a collection

of two or more computers linked together for the purposes of sharing information, resources, among other things.

Computer networking or Data Communications (Datacom) is the engineering

discipline concerned with computer networks.

Computer networking is sometimes considered a sub-discipline

of electrical engineering, telecommunications, computer science,

information technology and/or computer engineering since

it relies heavily upon the theoretical and practical application of these scientific and engineering disciplines.

Networks may be classified according to a wide variety of characteristics

such as medium used to transport the data, communications protocol used

, scale, topology, organizational scope, etc.

A communications protocol defines the formats and rules for exchanging information via a network.

Well-known communications protocols are Ethernet, which is a family of protocols used in LANs, the Internet Protocol Suite,

which is used not only in the eponymous Internet, but today nearly ubiquitously in any computer network.


Before the advent of computer networks that were based upon some type of telecommunications system,

communication between calculation machines and early computers was performed

by human users by carrying instructions between them.

Many of the social behaviors seen in today’s Internet were demonstrably

present in the nineteenth century and arguably in even earlier networks using visual signals.

In September 1940 George Stibitz used a Teletype machine to send instructions

for a problem set from his Model at Dartmouth College to his Complex

Number Calculator in New York and received results back by the same means.

Linking output systems like teletypewriters to computers

خرید و دانلود تحقیق شبکه کامپیوتری به انگلیسی

خرید و دانلود تحقیق شبکه کامپیوتری به انگلیسی

برای خواندن ادامه پروژه تحقیق شبکه کامپیوتری به انگلیسی ، خرید و دانلود را انجام دهید. تا فایل  ورد  آن در اختیار شما قرار بگیرد.

مشخصات فایل


200 کیلوبایت

تعداد صفحات


نوع فایل


دسته بندی


گروه مورد استفاده

دانش آموزان, دانشجویان

نظرات مشتریان


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