خرید و دانلود پاورپوینت سیستم عضلانی

سیستم عضلانی


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  • فعال‌سازی آنی لینک دانلود، پس از ثبت سفارش
  • فروش فقط از طریق تحقیق آنلاین
  • دسترسی به فایل محصول به صورت مادام‌العمر
  • تضمین کیفیت فایل ها


خرید و دانلود پاورپوینت سیستم عضلانی

خرید و دانلود پاورپوینت سیستم عضلانی

سیستم عضلانی


There are four characteristics associated with muscle tissue:

Ø Excitability

Ø Contractility

Ø Extensibility

Ø Elasticity

Types of muscle tissue:

Skeletal muscle tissue

  • Associated with & attached to the skeleton
  • Under our conscious (voluntary) control
  • Microscopically the tissue appears striated
  • Cells are long, cylindrical & multinucleate

  Cardiac muscle tissue

  • Makes up myocardium of heart
  • Unconsciously (involuntarily) controlled
  • Microscopically appears striated
  • Cells are short, branching & have a single nucleus
  • Cells connect to each other at intercalated discs.

سیستم عضلانی

  Smooth (visceral) muscle tissue

  • Makes up walls of organs & blood vessels
  • Tissue is non-striated & involuntary
  • Cells are short, spindle-shaped & have a single nucleus
  • Tissue is extremely extensible, while still retaining ability to contract.

Skeletal Muscles Work Together

  • Since muscles can only contract and shorten, to produce opposing motions it takes at least two different muscles.
  • Muscle classifications:
  • Agonist: muscle that causes an action
  • Antagonist: a muscle working in opposition to agonist
  • Example: the biceps brachii is the agonist when flexing the elbow to lift weights, but is the antagonist when the triceps brachii is extending the elbow to move a bowling ball back to prepare to bowl
  • Synergists: muscles that work together to cause a movement

Information Revealed By the Names of Skeletal Muscles

  • The naming of muscles usually follows one of 7 criteria:

–Location of the muscle – frontalis, temporalis

–Relative size of the muscle – maximus, minimus

–Shape of the muscle – deltoid, trapezius, rhomboid

–Direction of muscle fibers – rectus, oblique, transversus

–Location of attachments – sternocleidomastoid

–Number of origins – biceps, triceps, quadriceps

–Action of the muscle – adductor, flexor

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خرید و دانلود پاورپوینت سیستم عضلانی

خرید و دانلود پاورپوینت سیستم عضلانی

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